Vertebrae Ink Experiments

Vertebrae ink experiments text:

For this experiment I have focused on creating a sense of form and texture within the vertebraes using ink and a dry brush technique. I feel that this experiment was quite successful as it creates a sense of a rough texture similar to that of the bones that I have studied from life. In future experiments, I feel that I may like to experiment with applying a wash of colour over the ink textures to create a sense of contrast and a unique sense of tone. I feel that watercolour may be the most successful material for this as it has a lower density than ink with a water base which should create the effect that I am looking for. I may also experiment with incorporating different styles of lines as the one used in this experiment was very sketchy so I would like to experiment with line widths such as bold or adding a sense of weight to the lines or possibly with no lines at all to compare the differences between styles.

For this experiment I have focused on a single vertebrae and the texture of this subject in preparation for the sculpting of the spine sculpture elements of my final major piece. I have used the dry brush technique to create a rough texture similar to that of the aged human skeleton which I have observed from life and I feel that I would also like to incorporate this technique using acrylic paint to create a sense of age within the spinal vertebraes. I feel that this experiment was quite successful in capturing the sense of contrast between the areas of shadowed solid toned areas whilst creating a sense of form and dimension contrasted by the highlighted white negative space. I do not feel that I would incorporate a single vertebrae painting as the subject for the illustration element of my final major as I would like to focus on a variety of different forms such as a ribcage rather than a singular vertebrae. I feel that I would use this ink technique and texture within the illustration element of my final major piece and possible watercolour tones. However, I feel that I would like to experiment more with this material before making a decision.



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