Plan For Final Major Sculpture

Plan for final major sculpture 1 text:

-Spine vertebrae cross-section = newspaper, wire and mod-roc materials
-Side view vertebrae = Texture layer of mod-roc (also for stability), transverse process attached separately (no wire)
-Possible stacking technique for each vertebrae
-May have to settle for a straight spine for a stronger structure
-Anatomically accurate bend in spine (would like to incorporate but may need extra support)
-Separate construction for easier transportation (10-15 vertebrae approx.)
-Hook stand to hold an illustration piece, constructed alongside spine
-Measurements take into account subtle variations in length/height caused by mod-roc irregularities

First draft measurements:

-30 x 160cm total for spine sculpture (changed to 17 x 84cm due to changes where I can not display my final major within the studio)
-Hook to display A4 paper (possibly a larger paper size after experimenting)


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