Choice of area discussion
Choice of area discussion text:
Here I have photographed various areas that I feel I would like to use for my final major piece. I am leaning more towards a corner area as I think that the bone structure would have more support and strength across two walls, I also feel that the form of the ribcage design would be accentuated by the sharp angle of the walls which would draw the viewer's eye during the final show. I at first thought that I could use the corner structure of my own space in the studio to display the piece but the positioning of the ceiling lights in the room illuminate the area in a way which I do not feel would work with the atmosphere that I would like to create for the bone structure. So instead I have chosen a corner which has natural light and a large surrounding area of 'negative' space so that the piece will contrast the area in which it is displayed within. If possible I would also like to present my piece with others' work that has a similar atmosphere so that it does not look out of place and compliments each other.
I did consider suspending my final major piece from the ceiling but I am concerned of the weight distribution needed to suspend the piece safely and sturdily and of the weight of the piece as a whole. However I do feel that suspending the piece in the centre of the room would definitely draw the viewer's eye to my final major but I do have worries about the piece being damaged either during the show itself or the lead up to it, such as the wire suspension would break or become loose. Alongside this, I feel that the corner area would provide greater support and strength if I was to build the structure directly on to the walls by securing the wire armature on both sides and then adding the newspaper and mod-roc after. The benefits of this would be that I would not have to worry about the piece fitting where I would have liked and the fact that the piece would not have to be fitted after completion so this would minimize the likelihood of the piece becoming damaged.
I also need to make sure that my piece is of a suitable size for the area I have chosen, as if the piece is too small, it would be drowned out by the vastness of the large open space. So to avoid this I will keep testing the dimensions and experiment's sizes to ensure that this will not happen. However I am still considering other options such as suspension just in case of any unexpected changes happen suddenly throughout the course of the project or that this area cannot be used for some reason. Although unlikely, I have also prepared a back up plan in the case that both of these ideas cannot be realised in which I would use my own space to display my final major piece.
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