Artist Research Leonardo Da Vinci
I have chosen to study the works of Leonardo Da Vinci as I am very inspired by the intricacy and accuracy of his anatomy studies. I feel that I would like to incorporate the use of ink within the illustration part of my final major as I have a preference for this material and it would solidify links to Leonardo Da Vinci as one of my chosen artists. I would also like to incorporate Da Vinci's use of marks such as cross-hatching and hatching exemplified especially within 'Anatomy Torso and Arms' as I am very interested in the textures created through the use of these marks, and I feel that they are similar to that of the textures of bones that I have studied from life. After researching Da Vinci's works, I am leaning towards using a skeleton (or a specific part of a skeleton) as the subject of my illustration piece within my final major to strengthen personal links to my own spine and surgery as well as links to my chosen artists. However, I am unsure whether I would like to incorporate a bone illustration alongside a bone sculpture as this does not show much variation within my project. So in future ideas and experiments, I will further discuss the subject of the illustration when I have solidified the techniques and materials that I intend to use.
I am particularly inspired by the sense of depth and dimension present within 'Anatomy Human Form' as the contrast between the darker ink tones and the neutral tones of the paper highlight the textures created from the cross-hatching marks, especially apparent in the rib cage area. In future experiments I would like to explore Da Vinci's use of marks within a variety of materials such as ink and fine liner to observe how different materials such as ink and fine liner to observe how different materials alter this technique's properties. I have specifically chosen to study 'Anatomy Skull and Spine' as I felt that the spine subjects relate to my own personal spine surgery and will be the main focal point within my spine and ribcage sculpture. I feel that I may decide to incorporate other bone types within future experiments to show variety.
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