The main influence for this project is my own Scoliosis surgery so I decided that bones (specifically the spine and ribcage) would be the main focus of my piece. I also drew inspiration from the works of Leonardo Da Vinci as I am very inspired by the intricacy of his anatomical studies and that his subjects are similar to that of which I would like to incorporate within my final major illustration and sculpture. Due to the quarantine, I am unable to conduct any trips or visits because of closures at this time. However I am influenced by previous trips and visits such as the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition and the Natural History Museum in which I was able to study fossilised bones from life. The sculptural works of George Segal have inspired me in particular as they are presented within an environment, in which I would like to further research within this project. The title of my project is “Orthopaedic Cage”. I will work towards producing a large scale spine and ribcage scu...